Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Slow Me Down, Lord

Slow me down, Lord.
Let me inhale the air you’ve supplied.
Put stress and troubles aside.
Slow me down, Lord.
I want to close my eyes,
And let worries say their good-byes.
Slow me down, Lord.
Let the moments stay longer,
To make my life stronger
For days ahead.


  1. It is a busy time of year! (Do I say that year round?
    Your line about letting worries say their last goodbyes is crucial - we hold on to worries, and it makes everything seem more pressing. So hard to let go, even when we know it's right to do so.

  2. Thank you for your prayer - we need to take time to listen and wait and turn our lives over to God.

  3. I want to close my eyes and let worries say their goodbyes! Beautiful.

  4. "Let the moments stay longer." I love the moments that I steal from my busy day to spend with my blogger friends. Thanks for these words.
