Tuesday, September 25, 2012


I think as we get older, we remember things that happened in the past differently.  This is something that I wrote after thinking about that.

Pictures in my mind
Change things in the past.
Moments that happened
Are a fragmented haze.
My body remembers
What never occurred.
Nothing is etched forever.




Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Hero in All of Us

I feel that everyone needs to hear that they are special.  Each person has a talent and uniqueness that needs to be appreciated.

Hero in All of Us 

Each one of us,
Whether we realize it or not,
Have that being inside us
That contains
The bravery
The inspiration
The strength
To do anything
To conquer anything.
But for some,
It is buried so deep
By other’s opinions and voices
That causes fear and doubt.
One moment of encouragement
Is all that it takes
To reveal the hero
That was always there.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


I recently realized the freedom that comes with giving forgiveness.  This poem was inspired by that realization.


Is a gift
So difficult to give.
But without it,
We allow anger
To eat away at us,
And leave bitterness.
Sets us free.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


We were lucky enough to be spared any damage from Hurricane Isaac.  Living in south Louisiana, I have been through too many hurricanes.  During the storm, I remembered the worst storm that I experienced, Hurricane Andrew, which hit 20 years ago.  My family and I decided to ride out the storm in a shelter in town. This is a poem inspired by that experience.


The winds blow,
Silently, at first.
Then branches sway
Harder and farther.
The sound of the wind
Whistles and grows louder
With time.
Rain falls sideways
From the wind.
Wind chimes
Are no longer soothing
As the wind becomes stronger.
Refugees in darkness
Listen to the violent wind
As it throws debris
Across the landscape.
Forces so strong,
Walls tremble.
Then a quiet calm
Gives the illusion of the end,
But it is only an interruption
As the storm surges again.