Tuesday, August 14, 2012


One morning, as I was sitting on my back porch, I saw a spider web. It gave me the idea for this poem.


Lines intricately drawn,
This work of art,
Glimmers in the morning light.
Beads of morning dew
Dangles from this delicate design
That stretches across branches.
Created with such effort,
It is truly a wonder of nature.
The look of frailty
Hides the strength
That can snare and hold
The maker’s prey.


  1. I like the way this line:

    Dangles from this delicate design

    tickles my tongue!


  2. Lory, So happy to see you on the Tuesday Slice of Life post!! I love "the look of frailty hides the strength." A strong poem here with a vivid description. Yay!

  3. As much as I hate spiders, I do find the intricate webs that they weave to be fascinating. I like how you have created this poem just like the spider created his web.

  4. Lory,
    For some reason, I seem to notice more webs popping up. your poem perfectly expresses details of the webs we see...and provokes thinking about the work going into them...thanks for sharing. I saw a creepy spider on the swing set last week...just hanging from the web, waiting for its next meal...ugh..eww
